The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights holds a hearing on the Human Rights Situation of trans children and obstacles to affiliation with LGBT families in Latin America

During its 175th period of sessions that took place in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on March 2-8, 2020, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) held a thematic hearing on the human rights situation of trans children and obstacles to affiliation with LGBT families in Latin America.

The hearing had been requested by Synergía and the following partner organizations: Abosex – abogados por los derechos sexuales (Argentina), Akahata – Equipo de Trabajo en Sexualidades y Géneros, (regional), Organizando Trans Diversidades (Chile), Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos PROMSEX (Perú), Taller de Comunicación Mujer (Ecuador), Colectivo Ovejas Negras (Uruguay), Organización Trans Reinas de la Noche (Guatemala), RedLacTrans (regional), Pakta (Ecuador) and Fundación Amor y Fortaleza (Ecuador).

During the session, Maria Luisa Peralta (Akahata), Franco Fuica (OTD); Sofía Novillo Funes (Abosex) and Marcelo Ernesto Ferreyra (Synergía) spoke on behalf of the eleven petitioners.

During the hearing a report was presented. The video of the hearing is available here.